Our Project Manager and a former Web Developer at FunctionEight was recently one of the highlight speakers at the biggest PHP Conference Asia 2016. About 200 PHP developers from all over Asia attended the conference held at Matrix Bipolis.
April talks about how Laravel is a good framework for backend developers, frontend/UI developers, project managers and business owners.
- Backend Developers. There are so many frameworks out there that can make a developer life easier but so far for the last 2 years, Laravel is known to be the best framework and mostly used by good web development companies. Why? Because it’s an Ecosystem – This is the new website development. Developers are looking for a framework that has it all already. Some of the features that developers loves are:
- Fullstack Framework – has a straight to the point routing structure, it’s MVC, has an easy to install authentication, pagination, command bus, filesytem, cloud storage, validation , eloquent and blade templating.
- Ecosystem- features like elixir, scheduler, socialite, flysytem integration, database migration, seeding, mail api driver, homestead.
- Deployment – You can do it yourself. No need to ask Dev Ops to do such deployment because you can use: forge, envoyer, rocketeer, envoy and etc.
- Artisan – makes life easier
- Testing – You can build PHPUnit Testing
- Frontend/UI Developers. Frontend developers don’t need to touch PHP codes but it doesn’t need restrict you as well and they should be more focus on HTML, JS and CSS codes with Laravel they use templating engine called Blade Template.
- Dev Ops – not a lot of thing to do!
- Business Owners – Less Buggy (still depends on the development team), If you add more functionality it would not be a hard decision to make for the dev team
- Project Manager – As for my end,
Here in FunctionEight, we use Laravel framework for developing small to big responsive websites. For websites that have a high level of functionality, we always advise the use of Laravel.